
R12 Instance Available for Public Access

Thanks to our good friends at Solution Beacon, one can now access a Release 12 instance and review the latest version. One needs to provide a valid Oracle CSI number (which means your organization must either be a licensed user or an Oracle partner) to register and get an username and password. Click here to setup your access.

If one is accessing Oracle EBS forms-based responsibilities, the instance would prompt you to download Sun Microsystems JDK 5.0 plug-in (if you have got one installed already). Say goodbye to the often quirky JInitiator.

The login page has changed with some refreshing new graphics. Have a look below.

Over the next 300 days, I plan to navigate through Release 12 and present 300 new features to you. I hope you'll join me during this voyage of discovery and contribute with your own findings of new features and functionalities. I'll surely acknowledge all blog content contributions and if I get a sponsor or two I might be able to send you a R12 blogspot baseball cap!